Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Adapting To Change

Charles Darwin said that it's not the strongest or the smartest of the species that survive, but those that can best adapt to change. This idea accurately describes the many challenges that we're facing today. Between the crisis in the financial, job, and housing markets, everything that we've once come to recognize as stable is now in the midst of  extreme chaos.   This is a daunting time for most of us, since we have come to love stability and status quo because it is less stressful and anxiety-free.  But change does not come without anxiety or stress. It is only with a transformed mind that you can see the new order that is emerging out of this chaos.

The main  premise of Darwin's Theory of Evolution says that man is an evolving species and we are, therefore, wired for change.  The struggle to survive brings about the need to adapt in changing circumstances, so the challenge is to always remain open and flexible in the midst of the changes and transformations that are going in our world today. The problem that most of us face is that we make the change, but not the transition.  According to William Bridges (in his book "Handling Life Transitions"),  change is automatic, but a transition is hardly ever.  Change is oftentimes seen as a natural process, while transition requires a mental and psychological shift to handle the new reality (-ies) that one faces. This is the heart of transformation--a radical mental shift in your thinking.  

To be successful, you must understand that the only thing that is constant in this world is change. Those who are able to adapt to life's challenges will be the ones who set the agendas that the rest of us live by.  So think about where you are in your life today--are you struggling with changes in your circumstance?  How are you adapting to the change?


  1. Wow....thanks for creating this site! I'm looking forward to being enlightened by your postings. This one has already spoken to me....I need to finish reading the William Bridges book!! hahaha

    Thank you for your constantly giving spirit! I can truly attest to how you helped ME transform my life!

  2. Thank you for your continued encouragement and support!

  3. Thanks for all the training on be transformed by the renewing of your mine. It has truely blessed my life.
